Corporate crisis

Studio Corno has solid experience in providing assistance on corporate crisis, in all its phases and aspects, availing of the consolidated skills acquired by Giorgio Corno in over 25 years of professional practice in the field.

We are among the best known professional firms in the field of corporate crisis and our team of professionals has many years of experience in assisting companies, both in the extra-judicial and judicial phases, and with insolvency procedure bodies, including receivers and judicial commissioners.

Our team of professionals is able to support the client all round, both on the debtor and creditor side, with highly multidisciplinary assistance and with the contribution of Studio Corno Commercialisti.

We have also assisted and continue to assist third parties, including foreigners, in the acquisition of companies and other assets of companies operating in a crisis situation.

We are among the few law firms to boast specific expertise in cross-border insolvency, with particular reference to the application of EC Regulation 848/2015. Giorgio Corno is, in fact, the only Italian representative of the European network of professionals in the field of restructuring and crisis called HWW-International, as well as a member of numerous international associations, including academic, in the field of corporate restructuring and crisis.

The continuous relations maintained by Giorgio Corno with university professors and experts in the field, strengthened by valuable external collaborations with other firms (including advisors, accounting experts and auditors, etc.), enables the firm to guarantee an up-to-date approach to the subject and multidisciplinary assistance


Consulting services in corporate crisis and insolvency procedures

We traditionally deal with corporate crisis, in all its phases and aspects, and with company restructuring and recovery.

  • Recovery and restructuring of companies in difficulty

  • We traditionally deal with corporate crisis, in all its phases and aspects, and with company restructuring and recovery.

     Recovery and restructuring of companies in difficulty

    With our multi-disciplinary approach and thanks to a team that is always up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes, we can enable companies in difficulty to recover.

    We devote particular attention to the initial management of the crisis, partly for the purpose of corporate restructuring, possibly through turnaround i.e. liquidation operations, with a careful eye to the needs of shareholders and the preservation of business continuity.

    In addition, we provide full assistance for drafting applications for arrangements and debt restructuring agreements, as well as any related agreement or requirement needed to overcome the business crisis (including lease agreements or sales of business).

    The multidisciplinary approach and the constant collaboration with Studio Corno Commercialisti, as well as with other external professionals with consolidated experience, enables us to provide unified management of the recovery process, including the accounting and financial aspects.

  • Assistance to insolvency bodies

  • Studio Corno has historically worked alongside professionals appointed as insolvency bodies at the Courts of Milan, Monza, Lecco, Como and Busto Arsizio, with whom it has established long-lasting professional relationships based on mutual trust.

    In particular, we regularly provide full assistance on any legal issues that may arise in the context of procedures, even complex, as well as in relation to possible litigation, with particular reference to liability actions against shareholders, directors, auditors and statutory auditors, revocation actions or any other action brought by the insolvency procedure or its bodies.

  • Protection of creditors and third parties in insolvency proceedings

  • Over the years, we have gained significant expertise in protecting the rights of creditors in relation to bankruptcy proceedings, with particular reference to the filing of applications for admission to the sum of liabilities or claims, as well as challenging the exclusion of claims from the sum of liabilities.

    In addition, we are able to assist directors and auditors on a regular basis in relation to any actions brought against them by insolvency bodies.

  • Specialist technical consultation

  • Thanks to the consolidated expertise and academic knowledge acquired in the field, Giorgio Corno is able to provide specialised consultancy on national and transnational bankruptcy, including as court consultant or consultant in judicial or arbitration litigation.

We traditionally deal with corporate crisis, in all its phases and aspects, and with company restructuring and recovery.

 Recovery and restructuring of companies in difficulty

With our multi-disciplinary approach and thanks to a team that is always up-to-date with the latest regulatory changes, we can enable companies in difficulty to recover.

We devote particular attention to the initial management of the crisis, partly for the purpose of corporate restructuring, possibly through turnaround i.e. liquidation operations, with a careful eye to the needs of shareholders and the preservation of business continuity.

In addition, we provide full assistance for drafting applications for arrangements and debt restructuring agreements, as well as any related agreement or requirement needed to overcome the business crisis (including lease agreements or sales of business).

The multidisciplinary approach and the constant collaboration with Studio Corno Commercialisti, as well as with other external professionals with consolidated experience, enables us to provide unified management of the recovery process, including the accounting and financial aspects.

Studio Corno has historically worked alongside professionals appointed as insolvency bodies at the Courts of Milan, Monza, Lecco, Como and Busto Arsizio, with whom it has established long-lasting professional relationships based on mutual trust.

In particular, we regularly provide full assistance on any legal issues that may arise in the context of procedures, even complex, as well as in relation to possible litigation, with particular reference to liability actions against shareholders, directors, auditors and statutory auditors, revocation actions or any other action brought by the insolvency procedure or its bodies.

Over the years, we have gained significant expertise in protecting the rights of creditors in relation to bankruptcy proceedings, with particular reference to the filing of applications for admission to the sum of liabilities or claims, as well as challenging the exclusion of claims from the sum of liabilities.

In addition, we are able to assist directors and auditors on a regular basis in relation to any actions brought against them by insolvency bodies.

Thanks to the consolidated expertise and academic knowledge acquired in the field, Giorgio Corno is able to provide specialised consultancy on national and transnational bankruptcy, including as court consultant or consultant in judicial or arbitration litigation.

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
VAT 00947490967 | Share capital: 100.000€ | Tax code 09206750151 | REA 1285358

Copyright 2025 Studio Corno – Gruppo Studitalia Srl
P.IVA 00947490967 | Capitale sociale: 100.000€ | C.F. 09206750151 | REA 1285358

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